Gamepieces presents the scope of Indian artist Nalini Malani’s oeuvre – from her pioneering experimentations in film and photography in the late 1960s to her “video/shadow plays” that draw on mythology and political histories. Highlights include the large-scale installation, Gamepieces, 2003–20, encompassing six rotating Mylar cylinders combined with video projection, sound, kinetic movement, and light to delve into history, poetic allusion, and memory. Can You Hear Me?, 2019, comprising eighty-eight stop-motion animations projected at scale in what the artist describes as “Animation Chambers,” is also on view.

Nalini Malani, Can You Hear Me? (detail), 2019, Mumbai, India, multi-channel installation of 88 single-channel stop-motion animations, sound, duration and dimensions variable. Gift of an anonymous donor through the Art Gallery of South Australia Contemporary Collectors 2020, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. © the artist. Courtesy the artist and Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
Art Gallery of South Australia
5 November 2022 to 22 January 2023