This major retrospective exhibition presents eighty-one works by Australian modernist artist Sidney Nolan, which celebrate the diverse interests, techniques, and aesthetics that are characteristic of Nolan’s paintings.
Memories of his childhood and youth, his love of the landscape, Ned Kelly, outback Queensland, 1950s Europe, portraits of self, and his quest for paradise, are revealed across six curated themes; Childhood Heaven, Garden of Eden, Paradise Lost and Found, The Promised Land, Search for Self, and Paradise Garden.

Sidney Nolan, Luna Park, 1941, nitrocellulose lacquer on canvas, 67 × 84cm. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, purchased with funds provided by the Nelson Meers Foundation 2003. © The Trustees of the Sidney Nolan Trust/DACS. Licensed by Copyright Agency. Courtesy Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne
Heide Museum of Modern Art
19 February to 12 June 2022