Some Like it Hot

Some Like it Hot intersects sweat, sex, desire and discord from Darwin, Australia’s hottest and most remote capital city. Curated by Wendy Garden, the Artback NT touring exhibition brings together Northern Territory artists Therese Ritchie and Franck Gohier – known for their satirical work that combines wit and humour with astute social observation.

The exhibition reflects on their practice through the lens of gender representation in the context of settler imaginings of the tropics, considering the performative nature of gender, and putting human behaviour under a philosophical microscope.

Therese Ritchie, Simply did not happen, 2021, pigment print, 80 × 50cm. Collection of the artist. Courtesy the artist and Flinders University Museum of Art | FUMA, South Australia

Flinders University Museum of Art | FUMA
20 February to 16 June 2023
South Australia

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