Xeros-Constantinides’s art explores the female form and questions what it is to be human. Her art-practice is characterised by appropriation and juxtaposition, which manifest in her collage works on paper and in her prints and drawings. These works challenge integrity and identity, recall surrealistic and uncanny forces and give expression to alternative realities.
Xeros-Constantinides was a selected exhibitor in the 2010 Swan Hill Print & Drawing Prize, in the 2010 Beleura National Works on Paper Exhibition at the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, and in the 2010 Fremantle Print Prize.
Catherine Asquith Gallery
21 May to 1 June, 2013
Natura Morta #5 (Veduta di Valle Ombrosa), 2012, limited edition archival pigment print on 400gsm Canson Museum canvas, 122 x 100cm. Ed of 5.
Courtesy the artist and Catherine Asquith Gallery