Wilurarra Creative is a creative hub located in the remote community of Mirlirrtjarra (Warburton) on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, 900km north-west of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, which nurtures the fields of music, fashion, design, writing and photography. The organisation supports and encourages young Ngaanyatjarra adults to explore and express their personal and collective identity. It is a place where the songs, stories, styles, language, artwork and living creativity of contemporary Ngaanyatjarra culture can flourish.
For ‘Straight Outta Wilurarra’, Wilurarra Creative are working in a recreated space in the City of Perth at Fremantle Arts Centre, until 23 May 2021. Here they have set up a photographic studio, selfie booth, hair salon, and an exhibition, and have launched the second edition of Alanya magazine. Alanya is Ngaanyatjarra slang for ‘looking good’.