The 2019 TarraWarra International exhibition titled ‘The Tangible Trace’ curated by Victoria Lynn will be on view until 1 September at TarraWarra Museum of Art in Healesville. Lynn says the practices have produced pieces which ‘are about sensations that exist in the world: they can be seen, felt and experienced in our real environments. They are not imagined. They are material, situated and responsive.’
Francis Alÿs’ (Belgium/Mexico) video-work follows a flaming soccer ball as it sheds light on the literal and figurative darkness in the streets of Ciudad Juárez, a border town with rival cartels. Hiwa K (Iraq/Germany) also creates a sense of unease in a digital piece that simulates the experience of walking through foreign territory. Charting interior and exterior space, Shilpa Gupta (India) will create two new works; one is a large stone inscribed with text in various languages which will later be broken into small trace-pieces which the audience are invited to take; the other is a map of Australia made from fine copper wires.

Shilpa Gupta, Map Tracing #7 – AU, 2019, ‘TarraWarra International 2019: The Tangible Trace’ installation view. Photograph: Lou Whelan. Courtesy the artist, GALLERIA CONTINUA, San Gimignano, Beijing, Les Moulins, Habana and TarraWarra Museum of Art, Melbourne
Simryn Gill’s (Singapore/Malaysia/Australia) print media and textile pieces absorb the idiosyncratic changing state of a Malaysian seaside hotel whereas Carlos Capelán’s (Uruguay/Sweden) new suite of paintings are inspired by geometric-abstract and cubist principles, like ghosts or echoes from the past. Similarly, in a new work, Sangeeta Sandrasegar (Australia) will explore the cultural, political, and economical relations of place.