Thin Skin

Thin Skin features contemporary and historical paintings by more than thirty Australian and international artists who explore the liminal space between figuration and abstraction. Thin Skin refers not only to the delicate membrane that separates body, mind, and environment, but to other borders: thresholds between reason and unreason, wisdom and foolishness, life and death, the conscious and unconscious, laughter and weeping. Some artists employ absurdity, slapstick, parody, caricature and/or dreamlike logic to explore themselves and their place in the world. Others depict bodies in rich, intertwined conversations with the psyche, land, domestic or work environments, and animals.

Michelle Ussher, Sunset in a Blackhole – Lightbulb in a Plughole, 2012. Monash University Collection, Melbourne. Courtesy the artist and Monash University Museum of Art | MUMA, Melbourne

Monash University Museum of Art | MUMA
20 July to 23 September 2023

HELP DESK: | PH: +612 8227 6486