“The Moonbathing project began as an attempt to answer a question. What of the narrative that I felt essential to my work of 20 years ago survives in my work now? Looking for an answer I began examining the contents of my studio, unexhibited works and other pieces returned from exhibitions. I proposed re-engaging with those works. Giving myself the opportunity to repair damage, to rework those I felt could be improved, to “re-cycle” others as raw materials, dispose of those beyond redemption and perhaps come across some that could survive in their original condition. As the project progressed I worked to fit old ideas into new ideals.
‘Moonbathing’ began as an observation of works overtly articulated in the past and has concluded with works that covertly embrace the cyclic passage of order to disorder to order to disorder. A covert narrative is maintained, in puppet-like animations of wall based works. Yes of course a creation myth remains. As the author I would have it no other way.” – Tony Twigg
Annandale Galleries
Until April 16, 2016
White grid, 1995-2013, oil and enamel on timber construction, 155 x 62cm
Courtesy the artist and Annandale Galleries, Sydney