Exploring the connections contemporary artists share with books and the emotional response they bring to our lives, ‘100book: A personal histories international artists’ book’ reconfigures and reignites viewer’s relationship with books.
Redland City Council’s cultural spokesperson Cr Lance Hewlett said the exhibition was particularly timely as we moved into an age where books were being overtaken by modern technology. The exhibition is curated by Robyn Foster and contains a section of works created by Australian artists to commemorate the centenary of Australia’s involvement in World War I.
Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland
Until 10 May, 2015
Elsi Vassdal Ellis, What’s in a name cowgirl blues (detail), 2014, archival inkjet on Mohawk Superfine 100# text; pamphlet sewn, soft cover artists’ book
Courtesy the artist and Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland