2016 The Year of Print

Print Council Australia (PCA) – a not-for-profit arts organisation dedicated to the promotion of printmaking, works on paper, artists books and collecting – hits the big 5-0 this year.

In the lead up to the milestone, the PCA, in 2015, called for artists, arts organisations, curators and galleries to put on dedicated shows, forums or workshops focusing on print as part of their Year of Print program in 2016. The year is filled with over 160 events, spread across the country. Three highlights from March/April are the exhibitions ‘The Unstable Image’, ‘50/50’ and the Print Exchange program.

The Unstable Image’ on at SASA Gallery, University of South Australia from 29 March to April 22 questions the parameters of print. Paul Coldwell, Marian Crawford, Joel Gailer, Aleksandra Antic and Olga Sankey use repetition, subversion or transparency to challenge the traditional role of printmaking, through print, installation and performance.

The ‘50/50’ exhibition showing at Castlemaine Press, Victoria is on 12 to 14 and 19 to 20 March and honours and celebrates working together. It features print works by Castlemaine Press members, created in pairs and inspired by themes of collaboration and connection.

Rhyll Plant and Ann Baxter, Taki I   Clayton Tremlett and Marte Newcombe, Starman

The Print Exchange celebrates the PCA’s anniversary by inviting members to participate in their first open art exchange. Artists produce 12 prints, from which 10 will be randomly distributed to participants, one print will be held in the PCA archive and one print will be exhibited online and sold at a set price.

To see the full program and find out more about the Print Exchange, or membership details visit printcouncil.org.au


Rhyll Plant and Ann Baxter, Taki I, concertina screen and relief print, hand-coloured, in handmade box, dimensions when open 39.5 x 20 x 88cm
Clayton Tremlett and Marte Newcombe, Starman, silkscreen print, 50 x 35cm

Courtesy the artists and Castlemaine Press Inc., Victoria

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