Fifteen artists, authors, musicians, performers, and arts workers have been granted funds through the Arts Activities $5,000 to $50k funding round, open twice yearly, with the aim to support Canberra-based artists and arts groups to develop one-off projects.
The recipients and their projects include: A Gender Agenda for the delivery of Transgender, Gender Diverse, and Intersex creative writing workshops; Emma Batchelor for the publication of a new fiction manuscript; Christopher Carroll for an original play titled I Have No Enemies; Contour 556 towards the presentation of the Canberra art biennial Contour 556; Brenda L Croft artist, author, curator, educator, and researcher, for the design of a multimodal website; Glitoris for the production and promotion of a new social justice themed album; Hannah Gason for the purchase of equipment for the development of a solo exhibition at Canberra Glassworks; Aislinn King for an exhibition and participation in World Stage Design 2022 in Canada; Ruth Pieloor for a new play at Q Theatre titled Demented; Storytorch Press to publish and promote a program of local writers; Seaton Rogers to support Wiradjuri hip hop artist YNG Martyr with touring costs for festivals; Eliza Sanders for the premiere season of a new dance piece entitled That Was Friday; Hiroe Swen to develop content for a website resource entitled The world of Hiroe Swen’s ceramic art; Bec Taylor for a new collaborative album Bec Taylor and the Lyrebirds; and Savanhdary Vongpoothorn to support the exhibition Spinning the Fire Sutra at Campbelltown Arts Centre.
Round two is open and applications close 5pm, July 31, 2022, for activities commencing after December 1, 2022. Apply online via the artsACT grants portal.