IRL and URL existence underpins ‘BLEED’, the inaugural virtual festival of five commissioned projects. From 20 July to 2 August, James Nguyen and Victoria Pham present their multifaceted sonic work RE:SOUNDING – utilising the Đông Sơn drum to expound spiritual objects, cultural icons, tokens of trade and instruments of warfare. Next up, from 3 to 16 August, is Angela Goh and Su Yu Hsin’s on-going research project Paeonia Drive, which unpacks ‘The Garden’ as a metaphor for the organisation and control of nature, bodies and power.

Angela Goh and Su Yu Hsin, Paeonia Drive, 2020. Photograph: Your Huang. Courtesy the artists, Arts House, Melbourne and Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney
Arts House, Melbourne
Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney
22 June to 30 August 2020