Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) provides a unique opportunity to captivate viewers with the some of the best and most vibrant Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks that have been brought together by the world’s leading collectors and curators. CIAF has attracted the interest of many worldwide, and this year the art fair will evolve and embrace all forms of art to present a dynamic four-day cultural exhibition.
Dedicated to celebrating and strengthening the contemporary Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts industry, this art fair creates a gateway for the merging of artistic and social exchange as well as providing economic opportunities for Queensland Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander art and culture. Cairns Indigenous Art Fair is supported by Arts Queensland and funded by the Queensland Government.
Thirteen art centres and 12 galleries and organisations come together at the Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal with remote communities such as Darnley Island, Hope Vale, Mornington Island, Pormpuraaw, Arurukun, Yarrabah and Cairns, to mention a few, to showcase their enrapturing artworks. A few of the unique art forms that are specialised throughout the exhibitions during CIAF include; Ghost Net sculptures (created from derelict and abandoned fishing nets), Wood fired Ceramics from Erub Erwer Meta (Darnley Island), Traditional; Headdresses, Wood Carvings and Weaving from Gab Titui Cultural (Thursday Island), and Traditional Ceremonial Dance Hats from Mornington Island, as well as an annual Smoking Ceremony.
Nurturing various art forms, CIAF includes a stunning mix of; traditional and contemporary performances such as; music song and dance, theatre and fashion, workshops and informative talks. The artworks displayed contain a distinct and rare art genre which is predominantly influenced by a vast and varied landscape from the tropical rainforests to the islands of the Torres Strait to the rugged terrain of Cape York. CIAF creates a thriving and sophisticated atmosphere to spark national and international recognition and will entice viewers with its vivid authenticity – this fair is hard not to love!
Cairns Indigenous Art Fair
31 July to 2 August, 2015
Erin Oataway is a Year 10 high school student who interned at Art Almanac as part of her school’s Work Experience Program.