Dystopia/Utopia 2070

What does the future hold for humankind and the natural world? Seven artists forecast their imagined possibilities in ‘Dystopia/Utopia 2070’, an artisan touring show bringing together art, science, and technology.

Diamonds for data storage, jewellery that can manifest a protective bubble around the wearer, an edible water carrier and filter doubling as a musical instrument, clothing and bio headpieces designed to store small seed reliquaries, and an immersive and mediative space for downtime in the workplace, challenge our visions for the future.

Curated by Kevin Wilson, ‘Dystopia/Utopia 2070’ includes the work of Russell Anderson and Rebecca Ward, Christine Atkins, Charlotte Haywood, Susan Lincoln, Archie Moore and Clare Poppi.

Claire Poppi, Seed Reliquaries, 2020-2021, 925 silver, sapphires, glass, live plants, seeds, grouped size: 12 × 17 × 2cm. Photograph: Michelle Bowden, Visual Photography. Courtesy the artist and artisan, Queensland

29 May to 17 July 2021

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