Curated by Dr Catherine Bell, ‘FEM-aFFINITY’ explores womanhood through the eyes of Arts Project Australia studio artists alongside other contemporary female artists across the country with an exhibition revealing varied perspectives of female identity. Through interdisciplinary approaches, feminist methodologies and looking at artwork as a complex and nuanced way of thinking about embodied knowledge, we see how feminism materialises in distinctive and uncanny ways.

Prudence Flint, Shower #2, 2017, oil on linen, 122 x 102cm. Courtesy the artist and Arts Project Australia, Melbourne

‘I’m a regular visitor to the Arts Project Australia gallery and have a particular interest in the work of the female artists who attend their studio,’ says curator Catherine Bell. ‘I have often considered the uncanny connections their work has with other female contemporary artists. I’m interested in highlighting the affinity. Curating a selection of past works by each artist demonstrates a sustained line of enquiry. The opportunity for the artists to collaborate and develop new work for the show celebrates these ongoing themes and connections.’

Artists include: Fulli Andrinopoulos, Jane Trengove, Dorothy Berry, Jill Orr, Wendy Dawson, Helga Groves, Bronwyn Hack, Heather Shimmen, Eden Menta, Janelle Low, Cathy Staughton, Prudence Flint, Lisa Reid, and Yvette Coppersmith.

Eden Menta & Janelle Low, Eden and the Gorge, 2019, inkjet print, ed. 1/ 5, 100 x 80cm. © the artists. Courtesy the artists and Arts Project Australia, Melbourne

‘FEM-aFFINITY’ is an Arts Project Australia exhibition, touring with NETS Victoria.

Arts Project Australia
15 June to 20 July 2019

Devonport Regional Gallery
25 January to 15 March 2020

Noosa Regional Gallery
25 July to 12 September 2020

Horsham Regional Art Gallery
1 December t0 17 January 2021

Bunjil Place
30 January to 14 March 2021

Riddoch Art Gallery
22 May to 4 July 2021
South Australia

Benalla Art Gallery
6 August to 17 October 2021

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