Hidden atop a hill, deep in a bamboo grove in northern Japan amongst the debris resulting from years of nature’s ingress, stands an abandoned home. Constructed during the Taisho era (1912-1926), the residence was occupied by several generations of one family until the late 70s or early 80s, among them a photographer.
Behind a rotting door, over 200 glass plate negatives were found offering a rare glimpse into the life of this photographer, his friends and family. The Head On Photo Festival exhibition showcases these images alongside those recently taken by artist Hamish Campbell of the same dwelling as it exists today, as well as images attempting to bridge the gap between these two eras.
Artsite Gallery
7 to 29 May, 2016
The Taisho Photographer, 2016, as-found glass negatives, archival pigment print
Courtesy the artist and Artsite Gallery, Sydney