Lee Bethel: Hybrids

Lee Bethel’s arts practice takes a critical view of the relationship between object, place and memory. Bethel gets to know her landscape by collecting or foraging for seeds and blossoms, fragments of nature that find their way into work, punctuating her paper cut forms.

The meticulously cut paper forms reference boundaries and containment, scaffolding and boundaries and the placement of the seeds within these borders reflects the ‘after nature’ aesthetic common in colonial and postcolonial garden practices. Her work explores light, shadow and colour reflection through intricate cut paper. Drawing on a love of paper she carves, weaves and manipulates it in a unique manner utilising shadow and reflection to create complex patterns and peripheral lightscapes.


The Egg & Dart
23 October to 27 November, 2015
New South Wales

Dormant, 2015, cut and folded paper with seeds, 30 x 30cm
Courtesy the artist and The Egg & Dart, New South Wales

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