Perrine Lacroix: Displacement

As part of her residency in Articulate, Perrine Lacroix‘s engages with the particular nature of the gallery’s project space and with the broader location of Sydney and Australia.

The opening of the exhibition showed a work-in-progress, the first public step of an open-ended 3-week process that will conclude at the 21 January finissage. Perrine aims to develop an in-situ project by letting herself be saturated by the gallery space and the city in resonance with the political, spatial and cultural context she finds at the local level, as well as what she is more familiar with on the global level. For this project, Perrine is interested in human “displacements”, political, tourist and artistic migrations. How are they conditioned and how do they interact?

‘Displacement’ is the thirteenth project space project, a strand of Articulate’s programming that began in 2011 to see how artists respond to project spaces as an exhibition practice.  Articulate thinks of it as focusing on the thinking processes that go on in art making, and on the relationships that are formed between artworks and the places in which they are made.

Perrine Lacroix, Via aerea

Articulate project space
Until 22 January, 2017

Perrine Lacroix, Via aerea, 2015

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