Sancintya Mohini Simpson: ām / ammā / mā maram

This exhibition of paintings, sculpture, poetry, and scent gives voice to the stories of indentured Indian women that have been marginalised or erased in colonial archives.

ām / ammā / mā maram traces Sancintya Mohini Simpson’s matrilineal heritage and her family’s journey from Madras and colonial Natal to present-day Meanjin/Brisbane through the layering of materials such as clay, corrugated iron, sugarcane ash, mango leaves, bark, and timber. Each element carries its own story and associations, from experiences of forced labour and violence to notions of inheritance, home, and place.

Sancintya Mohini Simpson, The Plantation (detail), 2022, watercolour and gouache on handmade wasli paper, 6 panels, approx. 95 × 125cm irreg., each 190 × 375cm overall. Photograph: Carl Warner. Courtesy the artist, Milani Gallery, Brisbane and Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Western Australia

Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA)
4 August to 22 October 2023
Western Australia

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