Atong Atem, Gerwyn Davies, Tim Georgeson and Sue Healey explore personal and cultural forms of identity through fantastical transformations, elaborate costuming, fierce synergies between sound and movement, and poetry of dance. Atem’s photography celebrates colour and culture through self-portraiture, presenting stylised imagery with an intimate gaze; Davies’ highly staged settings and characters in garish costumes represent the seen and unseen; Georgeson’s immersive cinematic spaces combine art and documentary to capture the intricacies of contemporary life; and Healey pushes the boundaries of dance to reveal the universality of movement.

Atong Atem, Patron Saint of Lap Dogs, 2022, Ilford smooth pearl print, 90 × 60cm. © the artist. Courtesy the artist, MARS, Melbourne and Tweed Regional Gallery, New South Wales
Tweed Regional Gallery
9 March to 19 May 2024
New South Wales