The Art Gallery of South Australia presents ‘TARNANTHI’, the inaugural Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art.
Festival Artistic Director Nici Cumpston is working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from across the country and with key cultural institutions across South Australia, to showcase the extraordinary, the significant and the unique, to challenge the existing preconceptions of Aboriginal art. According to Cumpston, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art is heading in every direction – no art form is off limits. National in scope, the forthcoming Festival aims to extend the practices that have been developing in studios, art centres, institutions and communities.
Art Gallery of South Australia
8 to 18 October, 2015
South Australia
Dinni Kunoth Kemarre, Anmatyerre people, Northern Territory, Dinni’s Dream Team, 2009, synthetic polymer paint on Bean Tree (E. vespertilio)
Image courtesy of the artist and Mossenson Galleries, Western Australia