Co-created by artist Raphaela Rosella alongside several women in her life, You’ll Know It When You Feel It is a socially engaged art project that seeks to counter bureaucratic representations of women whose lives intersect with the prison industrial complex. From six-minute phone calls to handwritten letters to photographs, this multi-media, multi-authored exhibition examines the value of a co-created archive as a site of resistance.
Participants: Raphaela Rosella with Dayannah Baker Barlow, Kathleen Duncan, Gillianne Laurie, Tammara Macrokanis, Amelia Rosella, Nunjul Townsend, Laurinda Whitton, Tricia Whitton, and family.

Tammara Macrokanis and Raphaela Rosella, Rescued Bird, 2012. Courtesy the artists and Institute of Modern Art, Queensland
Institute of Modern Art
20 May to 19 August 2023