Featuring over fifty works, this major exhibition traces the remarkable career of one of the great innovators of European abstraction, Vasily Kandinsky (1866–1944), from his creative beginnings in Munich, to his return to his birthplace of Moscow with the outbreak of World War I, followed by the interwar years spent in Germany where he was an instructor at the Bauhaus, and his final experimental chapter in Paris. Highlights include the early career masterpiece Blue Mountain, 1908–9, as well as Dominant Curve, 1936, and the monumental Composition 8, 1923.

Vasily Kandinsky, Composition 8, July 1923, oil on canvas, 140.3 × 200.7cm. Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York, Solomon R Guggenheim Founding Collection, by gift. Courtesy Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation, New York and Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Art Gallery of New South Wales
4 November 2023 to 10 March 2024