Angelica Mesiti: The Colour of Saying

The result of a collaboration with dancers, musicians and a sign language choir, this new multi-channel video work by Sydney and Paris-based artist Angelica Mesiti, questions ways of relating to movement, music and silence. The work interprets a series of performance workshops, conducted by Mesiti at the Lilith Performance Studio in Malmö, Sweden.

Exploring the art of ‘speaking with the hand’, Mesiti calls on people from a range of backgrounds to use nonverbal communication and body language in an effort to decode their dynamic ‘gestural languages’. The audience is invited to experience an installation of sculptural movements.

Anna Schwartz Gallery
Until 13 June, 2015

The Colour of Saying, 2015, three-channel high definition digital video colour, sound, 25 minutes. Photograph: Lilith Performance Studio
The performance was originated in collaboration with and produced by Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö, Sweden 2015
Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery

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