Doppelgänger and Zombies

Doppelgänger and Zombies presents new artworks created from 3D scans of masterpieces in David Roche’s eighteenth and nineteenth-century collection of decorative arts objects.

These physical and digital artworks are surprisingly playful, highly crafted and fabricated using cutting-edge digital technologies: 3D scanning and printing, CNC milling, 360 degrees photography, photogrammetry, digital modelling, rendering and image manipulation software, and algorithms as well as augmented and virtual reality; with an investigative and associative approach, applying storytelling and layering of ideas to enrich the works and help develop new meanings.

Rochus Urban Hinkel and Edward Yee, 2022. Courtesy the artists and The David Roche Foundation House Museum, South Australia

The David Roche Foundation House Museum
1 to 23 July 2022
South Australia

HELP DESK: | PH: +612 8227 6486