Mosman Art Gallery receives distinction at the 2013 MAGNAs

Mosman Art Gallery were presented the Highly Commended Exhibitions Award (Temporary) for Attack: Japanese Submarines in Sydney Harbour: Paintings by Ken Done at the annual Museum & Galleries National Awards (MAGNAs), held at the Museums Australia National Conference in Canberra, on Sunday 19 May.

The exhibition, staged in 2012, marked the 70th Anniversary of the surprise attack by three Japanese midget submarines on Sydney Harbour, May 1942. To honour the anniversary, Mosman Art Gallery commissioned artist Ken Done AM to interpret and respond to this historical event. Done produced a provocative and moving suite of 14 paintings and accompanying drawings that have now been generously donated by the artist to the Gallery’s collection.

Mosman Art Gallery Director John Cheeseman, is currently travelling in Japan for discussions on the exhibition’s impending international tour.

To celebrate this exhibition’s recognition, Mosman Art Gallery is highlighting one of the key paintings from the Attack series – ‘Caught in the Net’ – with its display in the Gallery’s recently refurbished foyer (during the Mosman Youth Prize, 1 to 30 June), to commemorate the attack anniversary on 31 May.


Mosman Art Gallery


Ken Done, Caught in net, 2011, oil and acrylic on canvas, 152 x 122cm
Ken Done at “Attack” opening – Mosman Art Gallery May 2012
Courtesy Mosman Art Gallery

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