Sally Walk: Facades

Ceramic artist Sally Walk has been engaging with porcelain and stoneware clays for over 30 years. This new body of work is made up of sculptures and vessels that reflect the artist’s fascination with human nature and ‘people watching’. Walk treats her surfaces to mirror the signals that project clues to our personality, ‘I am intrigued by the facades we create to define who we are,’ says the artist.

Suki & Hugh Gallery
Until 18 March, 2018
New South Wales

Left: Walk this way, 2018, stoneware clay, underglaze and clear glaze, 40 x 40 x 24cm
Right: Leading the way, 2018, stoneware clay, underglaze and clear glaze, 61 x 50 x 24cm
Courtesy the artist and Suki & Hugh Gallery, New South Wales

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