The ‘Sawtooth Writing Prize’ is an exciting initiative designed to encourage critical and creative writing responding to the Sawtooth 2014 exhibition program.
Reviews and poems will be published regularly on the Sawtooth ARI website allowing writers, artists and general audience to engage with a broad cross-section of national artworks and approaches to arts writing. Both emerging and established writers are encouraged to apply.
There are three prizes as part of the Sawtooth Writing Prize:
• Best Review
An original review of 500-750 words must be based on a Sawtooth exhibition from the 2014 program. Reviews are encouraged to be submitted while the exhibition of review is open.
• Best Folio of Reviews
Applicants are encouraged to submit more than one review of exhibitions throughout 2014. The winner is chosen for the best folio of 3 or more reviews based on Sawtooth exhibitions from the 2014 program.
• Poetry Prize
An original poem of no more than 200 words inspired from a Sawtooth exhibition from the 2014 program. Poems are encouraged to be submitted while the exhibition of inspiration is open.
The winner of each category will receive $500, a one year subscription to ‘Island Magazine’ and a one year subscription for Membership to the Tasmanian Writers’ Centre.
All entries are to be emailed to by 5 December, 2014.