Tag Archives: eX de Medici

eX de Medici: Double Double Crossed

eX de Medici’s imaginative illustrations encapsulate the study of small moths, and communicate the broader political shifts and environmental impacts found whilst researching these specimens....

Wollongong Art Gallery

Wollongong Art Gallery presents 'eX de Medici: From The Room of Dorian Gray' – works from the artist’s ‘superannuation’ collection made and exhibited between 2013-2019....

The Ideal Home

'The Ideal Home' explores Australian experiences of home across the past 100 years, encompassing domestic architecture, design, and technology, alongside contemporary social issues....

Spatial Painting

Divided in two, the beginning outlines complex political and art historical conceptual confluences in Claudia Chaseling's work and then concludes with letters exchanged between her and fellow artist eX de Medici. ...

eX de Medici: Sour Crude

Taking command of the entire gallery, and executed in her signature watercolour, the works put on trial the corruption, destruction and injustices of governments and big corporations....

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