Assembling the best in textile art from around Australia the 3rd Tamworth Textile Triennial titled ‘Open House’, curated by Glenn Barkley, will have a strong Indigenous, multi-cultural and environmental focus. Barkley explained, “For many artists working within the construct of the ‘art world’, as opposed to the ‘craft world’, textiles appeal for the same reasons as do ceramics: for the sense of social inclusion and the sheer aesthetic and conceptual unruliness; for the sense of ‘anything goes’ and ‘anyone can do it’ – LOLs galore; and because of a palpable flattening of hierarchy and gender.” Artists include; Sally Blake, John Brooks, Sue Ryan of GhostNets Australia, Gomeroi Gaaynggal Centre, Treahna Hamm, Joy Ivill, Carol McGregor, Rebecca Mayo, Noongar Doll Makers, Raquel Ormella, Julia Robinson, Ema Shin, Jeanette Stok and Meredith Woolnough. Showing at Tamworth Regional Gallery from 14 October, and touring between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2020.

Treahna Hamm, Yakapna biganga (family possum cloak), 2017, ochre, acrylic paint, synthetic string, possum pelts, 180 x 120 x 3cm. Photograph: Jules Boag. Courtesy the artist and Tamworth Regional Gallery, New South Wales