Anne Pincus – The lay of the land: a topographical memoir

Munich-based, Melbourne-born artist Anne Pincus returns home for her first Australian exhibition in eight years. The work explores the contrast between an experiential view of place with maps or plans, reducing landscapes to points and lines. This ‘topographical memoir’ weaves together conflicting depictions of space and stories of migration, drawing upon experience and memory against an objective perception.
For Pincus, gardens are a “place of solitude and seclusion, a sanctuary. [It] represents an idealized ‘other’ world, an almost magical space”.

Anita Traverso Gallery
March 29 to April 28, 2012

Anne Pincus, Palace Gardens 3, 2011, oil on canvas 110 x 190cm.
Courtesy the artist and Anita Traverso Gallery, Melbourne.

Anne Pincus - The lay of the land

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