Contour 556 / 2020


Contour 556  is Canberra’s free public art biennial, showcasing work from over 60 national and international artists and collectives from 9 to 31 October. New landscapes and aspects of the built environment have been added to the festival’s roster in Civic, Springbank Island and Kingston, from The Mixing Room Gallery at Thor’s Hammer, to the Barton Art Box and various building foyers and entrances in the City. Contour 556 is an opportunity to learn more about Canberra’s history – be it on one of Localjinni’s video walks, or the interpretive dreamscape of Jack Featherstone’s Gumleaf Regatta. There will be artist talks from Richard Lewer and others, live-streamed on Facebook and a symposium of contemporary curators and artists who will reflect on the legacy and future of making art in the public realm.

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