Damien March: Dynamism

Drawing inspiration from constructed contexts, Damien March delves deep into the psyche of the world’s greatest cities; ultimately, exploring and capturing his own life narrative in an exclusive explosion of colour and technique.

In ‘Dynamism’, his newest body of work, March exquisitely depicts urban environments with a distinctly expressive style as thick impasto gestures contrast with delicate paint blends. A skilful application and manipulation of media create depth and movement while accentuated dramatic lines and distorted perspective place the viewer within the composition.

Mixed media is evident throughout March’s style; acrylic, resin, pumice, sand and ink help create a push and pull effect over the canvas surface. March uses thick gestural palette knife movements that contrast with intricate brushwork to create a compelling aesthetic.

Opening event: Friday 17 January, 6 to 9pm

ARO Gallery
6 to 19 January 2020

subscribe@artistprofile.com.au | PH: +612 8227 6486