Feeling abstract? Paintings from the UWA Art Collection, 1950-1990

‘Feeling abstract?’ explores abstract painting over a 40-year period through works in the UWA Art Collection. The exhibition considers abstraction as a broad and diffuse phenomenon in 20th-century painting; featuring key examples of Australian abstraction, including gestural works from the 1950s, hard-edged painting from the 1960s, the revival of expressive painting in the late 1970s and 1980s, and work by artists who employ abstraction as part of a figurative or semi-figurative practice: Sydney Ball, George Haynes, Margot Lewers, Erica McGilchrist, Tony Tuckson and Jenny Watson.

Erica McGilchrist, Hero resting on his laurels, 1962, oil and mixed media on paper on board, 90.2 × 130cm. The University of Western Australia Art Collection, Tom Collins Bequest Fund, 1964. Courtesy Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery

Lesley Dumbrell, Zig zag, 1980, synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 152.5 x 288.5cm. The University of Western Australia Art Collection, Acquired with the assistance of the Visual Arts Board of the Australia Council, 1980. Courtesy Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery

Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
17 July to 27 November 2021
Western Australia

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