Finalists for the 2012 Bowness Photography Prize

This year’s eminent judging panel, Magnum photographer Trent Parke, NGV’s Senior Curator Photography Isobel Crombie, and MGA Gallery Director Shaune Lakin have selected 42 photographs from approximately 2 500 entries – the largest number received in the history of Australia’s most coveted photography prize.

Shaune Lakin, MGA Gallery Director, said on behalf of the judging panel: “With a record number of entries and an extraordinarily high caliber of work, the judging process was very difficult. So we selected more finalists than usual – to reflect the strength of the field. The finalists represent the best in contemporary Australian photography and their photographs will make an amazing exhibition; I am sure choosing a winner in early October will be incredibly difficult.”

The winner of the $25 000 prize will be announced at Monash Gallery of Art on Thursday October 4, 2012. Three finalists will be awarded an Adobe Honourable Mention prize. One of Australia’s most eminent cultural figures, Penelope Seidler AM, will join the judging panel to choose the winner of the 2012 Bowness Photography Prize.

Finalists for the 2012 Bowness Photography Prize are:
Robert Ashton, Daniel Boetker-Smith, Kirsten Bowers, Jane Brown, Chris Budgeon, Elaine Campaner, Rowan Conroy, Jagath Dheerasekara, Stephen Dupont, Cherine Fahd, Jacqueline Felstead, Siri Hayes, Christopher Holt, Tim Johnson, Francis Keogh, Bronek Kozka, Jesse Marlow, Joseph Mcglennon, Georgia Metaxas, Michael Miller, Phuong Ngo, Simon Obarzanek, Gerard O’connor And Marc Wasiak, Polixeni Papapetrou, Izabela Pluta, Clare Rae, Hannah Raisin, Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, Tobias Rowles, Julie Rrap, Rodney Schaffer, Lani Seligman, Martin Smith, Valerie Sparks, David Stephenson, Darren Sylvester, Claudia Terstappen, Christian Thompson, Stephanie Valentin, Justine Varga, Daniel Von Sturmer, and William Yang.

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