Marco Luccio: CUOROSENSA – A Reverse Archaeology

Over fifteen years ago, Marco Luccio began collecting used postcards from New York City flea markets and curio shops: they were, according to Luccio, “beautiful artefacts, remnants of the past preserved in small and fragile time capsules.”

Luccio expands on the prescribed format of these cards, both in size and substance. Bold and energetic mark-making coheres into recognisable Luccio-esque themes – the Eiffel Tower, and myths and figures of classical antiquity – but closer inspection reveals a canvas of interlocking postcards with tantalising glimpses of the messages they once conveyed.

Marco Luccio, Word whispers and the Trojan horse, ink, acrylic stencil on paper, 19.5 × 22cm. Courtesy the artist and fortyfivedownstairs, Melbourne

4 to 29 April 2023

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