Tag Archives: ceramics

Vipoo Srivilasa: re/JOY

Vipoo Srivilasa's 're/JOY' examines our emotional connection with everyday objects and their role in our lives through migration experiences and memories....

Sandra Black: Holding light

Spanning over fifty years of practice, this exhibition reveals Western Australian ceramicist Sandra Black’s concern for design, craftsmanship and the natural world....

Stephen Bowers and Mark Thompson

Bowers' images portray birds in colour-saturated settings where they overlap complex fragmentary backgrounds; Thompson's tongue in cheek wit and unbridled experimentation is evident in his sculptures....

Bruce Nuske with Khai Liew

Nuske’s ceramics practice is steeped in the history of the decorative arts and draws on a rich array of botanical references. Liew responds to these intricate and playful works....

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