Our constitution, or ‘self and other, psyche and physique’, is the driving issue in artist Joe Frost’s new paintings for his current exhibition with Watters Gallery.
The ‘Human Formations’ of the exhibition title are found twice in the paintings. Firstly in the broad view, of groups of individuals bound together in various forms of social activity. They commute, dance, argue and observe each other, making readily recognisable social patterns on the picture plane, and secondly at closer range, in the internal constitution of each figure; the swatches of colour, the sliced and diced forms that somehow, improbably, add up to distinct human presences.
Each work is an observation of human behaviour and an adventure in painting.
Watters Gallery
Until 16 July, 2016
Clowning, 2015, acrylic on canvas, 56 x 76cm
Courtesy the artist and Watters Gallery, Sydney